Now that you've completed your Happily Profile the next step is getting matched with a gig!
Here is how you'll get there:
1. Maintain your profile and keep it up-to-date
You can edit your details at anytime via the 'Edit Profile' button on the bottom left-hand corner under your profile pic.
2. Check your texts for a gig alert and reply if you're available
After completing your profile, when there is a job that matches your settings, we'll send you a gig alert via text message. This text message will include a link to more information about the job. If you’re available reply with a ‘yes’.
3. Show up for a quick panel interview with our Studio Heads
Once you've indicated your availability, you'll be invited to a quick group interview with our Studio Heads.
4. Accept your deal memo in 24hrs and the gig is yours!
If successful, you'll then be sent a Deal Memo with all the gig details. Accept it within 24 hours and you’ve been hired.