Why can't I see all the info in this Help Center?

If you are a Happily Specialist, but cannot see all the categories in the Happily Help Center as pictured below, you are either:

  1. You are not yet registered to access the private content

  2. Not signed in
  3. Other

You are not yet registered to access the private content

If you are a Happily Specialist, you must first register in the system to assess all the private content. Use the email that Team Happily always contacts you on, to ensure that it matches up in our system. You can register here

You are not signed in

If you have registered, check that the top right-hand corner, or the bottom right-hand corner says Sign out and not, Sign in. If it says, Sign in, go ahead and sign in and the private content should appear.


If you have done all of the above and are still not seeing the categories as shown below, please contact support@teamhappily.com.